Wednesday, April 1, 2009

PIMP MY RIDE! (inspiration for future DIY's)

Was pretty tired since I arose from my slumber today morning. To add to that, It's so humid these days, that I am totally drenched with sweat and dust and carbon particles emitted from so many vehicles I need a nose and mouth mask to protect me from the smoke if I'm going to ride around the city... and a cool looking light running on a dynamo. I keep wanting to click pictures while I ride, but never end up doing so... Its not really simple to handle the 400D while riding around town at rush hour... So I need to make a handlebar camera holder. Next, I want to make a cellphone charger point running on my cycle as I pedal it. I also want a GPS that I can somehow ask someone to connect to my camera to geotag my pictures that I take. Another brilliant idea (which, as sourabh pointed out, someone had already tried out and worked) is making indicators for the bike connected to the same dynamo that connects to the headlight... Pimp my ride... !! 'Balle balle!'

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