Thursday, June 9, 2011

New beginnings

A little over a month after I bought the bergamont, the presta valve on the front tyre broke because my local bike shop guys couldn't figure out how to fill air through it. As fate would have it, I suddenly got busy with work which is finally coming my way. The combined effect of which was my bike lying idle in my stilt parking.
This went on for three weeks till Wednesday, when I decided to get it fixed once and for all.

I got the bike back last evening and planned to ride with two of my friends to Koregaon park.
It also gave me the perfect opportunity to click photos with funky effects through my new tough and water resistant phone!

We had a leisurely ride in overcast conditions and it didn't rain till we reached Koregaon Park.

After a brief water and group photo break, we rode towards Vohuman cafe for breakfast. The one time I went there, the walls were covered with baby posters. Quite creepy! This time, the walls were bare and freshly painted with beige and brown oil paint. It somehow made that place brighter than before.
Our cycles parked and chained to each other, we sat in and enjoyed a leisurely breakfast of bun omelette, bun butter jam and tea as it drizzled outside. Discussing architecture for a good 20 minutes before the non architect intervened and the topic of conversation shifted to more generic themes.

After the breakfast, we decided to ride back on the river side road, which was once the subject of great controversy. But thats a thing of the past. It started drizzling, and the traffic had also increased substantially. We stopped to click photos of the Mutha river while crossing over to the other side. I saw horses grazing on the greens by the river and I had to stop to take pictures of those tall and bony white horses.

As we rode home, it drizzled a bit more, but not enough to drench us. Reached home happy to have my bergamont get back in action! Looking forward to cycling more this monsoon!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you've bought a pump that fits presta valves. Roadside bike shops won't have them. Both my bikes have schrader valves (the same ones seen in car tyres), which makes them easy to fill even at a petrol pump. I don't recommend this though! Anyway, I have a full-sized foot pump that I keep at home, and a frame pump that mounts on my cycle downtube. All bases covered. :)
