Monday, March 28, 2011
As I change the photo...

Saturday, March 26, 2011
Nothing lasts for ever but love
Two beautiful years and my sweetie still looks fresh to go. She came into my life on the 21st of march 2009. We fell in love and rode far and long. Now its time to move on...
As I set about selecting a new bike, I remember all those lovely times with my silver Lumala platina. The uphill struggle, the blissful downhill rides. The stress busting after work pedaling. Offroading on hills... the long Pune - Mangao ride and the ST bus ride back to Pune that my Lumala took better than I could. The solitary rides. Acting out videos, swaying to the music playing out loud in my headphones. The crazy 'look ma no hands' handlebar shots.
Its a special bike and shall remain so always.
What would I do with it? One year ago, a 13 year old cousin of mine asked me when I would buy a car so that he could have my bicycle. I told him that I couldn't afford a car just yet, but he could have the Lumala when I bought a new bicycle. I'm going to keep my word. and this way, I'll get to see the Lumala every now and then.
Its true when they say that nothing lasts forever... but true love.