Friday, August 13, 2010

The wounded ego of the male cyclists when a female cyclist overtakes him...

Whenever I'm cruising around on my bike, enjoying the ride, I always encounter a few men with their single speed bikes riding comfortably without a care in the world. I invariably end up overtaking them and move ahead quickly.
And then in a few seconds, I see something whiz past me. Its the same men whom I recently overtook, having had their pride hurt and their desire to prove a point to me. They seldom look back, but they seem to be saying 'Now who's faster, bitch! dare you overtake the almighty race again!' Suddenly their posture is much more aggressive and frantic. I can sense their willpower stretching them to the limits where even their veins are about to burst.

What they don't seem to understand is, that somewhere deep down, even though I am a woman (ok... girl) I have an ego too... and 21 gears on my bike! I just switch over to the highest and overtake them without breaking into a sweat!

How do I make them understand that there is no need to dispel all that energy just to soothe their hurt ego and make me feel lowly, because I have the advantage of advanced technology and I just need a third of the effort made by them to move ahead? How do I tell these men that no matter how hard they try, I'll overtake them eventually? And then what will they do... beat their wives when they reach home?

I'll admit that given the situation where I was riding a single speed bike like theirs, I wouldn't be able to overtake these men in a race for gender supremacy... But hey, I'll give them a fight till the end!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The need to upgrade

I have been thinking about it, and by the end of this year, i want to get a new cycle. And probably a red one this time. I wouldn't mind buying extra locks for it, but I want to get a flashy and expensive bike because such bikes are comfortable too. Especially for longer rides on rough roads.
So thats the top priority!